Score BBBEE points by partnering with Focus on iThemba

Focus on iThemba has been in existence for over 10 years now. During this time of working in the adjacent rural communities, there have been wonderful success stories of dark hopelessness being turned into bright success. You can help Focus on iThemba celebrate even more success stories while at the same time benefitting your BBBEE scorecard.

Some important facts about Focus on iThemba include:

  • We are independently audited.
  • Our donors receive current SED and/or ED BBBEE certificates.
  • We are a registered section 18A NPO.

By supporting Focus on iThemba, your company could score SED points, ED points, Preferential Procurement & Supplier Development points and Ownership:

  • Your SED points will be achieved through your donation to our Foster Care work, our iThemba Academy Foundation Phase School or as a General Donation.
  • Your ED points will be achieved through your donations to our work with our ECD centres where 8 x enterprises are being developed.
  • Your Preferential Procurement & Supplier Development points will be achieved through OntechKzn Solutions (Pty) Ltd by purchasing computers and related equipment.
  • Should your business require a level of Black Ownership, contact us for more information.

According to the most recent codes, both Generic and QSE companies are now required to score on all 5 elements of the scorecard, including the elements of Socio Economic Development and Enterprise and Supplier Development with its 5 point ED component. With the new codes, an ED grant equal to 1% of profit after tax will yield 5 points in the relevant sub-category under Enterprise and Supplier Development, while an SED grant equal to 1% of profit after tax will also yield 5 points.

We look forward to hearing from you always bearing in mind that your funds will not only benefit you in terms of BBBEE where applicable, but will also result in orphaned and vulnerable children from rural communities being given hope where there was previously, no hope.

Take a look at our BBBEE Benefits page for our SED and ED Certificates.

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